Proposal 2



My aim for this project is to help the elderly. I think a major issue when people get older is not only health but communication, many older people feel lonelier as they get older, with their spouses and friends dying it makes it harder for them to socialise with other people. I want to overcome this issue of loneliness by creating an app which liberates them to not only communicating with more people but actively take part in classes and hobby related activities with other people like them. I want this app to make it easier for elderly people to meet up by showing what activities are taking part in their area, they can tailor this to what hobbies they are interested in and easy to follow maps which can show transport available to take them there.

The idea is to create a kind of social media platform for the elderly. A place they are able to share their memories and log their activities which will also improve memory and also easily communicate with friends. I want the app to improve communication not only over a device but make it easier for them to meet up with people and socialise more face to face.

I understand that seniors may not understand technology as well as the younger generation therefore the layout will be very simple with large font and preferably used on a tablet device to make it easily legible.



There are many apps which already exist for the elderly however most concentrate on health and memory games, there is little available for communication in terms of meeting new groups and joining in on activities. The elderly usually hear about activities and classes through word of mouth or posters however if they can easily access what is available near them they have the potential for socialising more. Many charities have services to overcome loneliness with volunteers making house visits and in particular Be a Friend Today: who offer communication with volunteers over the phone and in communities. This is an idea which I want to improve upon where volunteers can be helpful it can often make the elderly person feel guilty for asking for communication whereas if it was easier to socialise with people with similar interests it would remove this feeling of guilt.

There would be a helpline available for the app which would be direct to a volunteer, I think it is important to have easy access to help which is the premise of this app therefore the helpline would be the main point of contact for any issues with the app. Also available would be a helpline for advice or to simply talk to someone in which the volunteer can listen and give advice on how to overcome any of their problems they are experiencing.




I will be researching into the market to see what is already available and how I can improve on this. I will be contacting charities to see how they use their money to overcome loneliness and the services and products which they offer. I will also be contacting charities and homes to conduct interviews to gain first hand opinions of the elderly and their daily struggles to see how I can improve this and test the usability and interface of the app. There will be much in depth research on how the product can be used to its full potential in its easiness to use.

I have created an app using InDesign previously however I will take a more in depth look into the software’s available to best create this app.



Timetable of Production

01/02 – 20/02 – Research of market and audience, contacting charities and interviews with elderly people

20/02 – Define structure and requirements of app

27/02 – Begin designing interface and usability

06/03 – Research the platform and software (Maybe InDesign)

13/03 – Conduct interviews to gain feedback of the usefulness of the facilities and aesthetics

20/03 – Begin constructing the layout

27/03 – Developing layout

03/04 – Create database of content

10/04 – Have simple prototype for testing

17/04 – User testing and modifications

24/04 – Evaluating and future modifications and improvements

01/05 – Gathering of portfolio and reflection





Content Outline

The app will allow users to share memories and activities similar to a social media platform where you can connect with a wide range of people. A major part of the app is creating and sharing events for people to attend to improve socialisation in their community. The app will be designed for elderly people with its usability and interface and the events that will be suggested. They will be able to create their own events and activities such as coffee meetings or sewing classes to which they can invite other users in their area. I want to integrate the Be a Friend Today where volunteers can talk to, meet up with, help do their shopping, help with household tasks etc. to improve socialisation with people who have an interest in helping and broadening the elderly persons groups of interaction.

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