An app that shows volunteer opportunities in the community in which you are situated. The app will encourage users to commit good deeds throughout the day, this should inspire individuals to not only take part in volunteer opportunities but also treat their neighbour and stranger with more consideration than before.
The concept of this app is to create a friendlier community and World.
The first idea sprung from an app named Good Deeds, the app is very simple and suggests a new good deed the user can commit each day for example: ‘Drop off combs, toothbrushes, and toothpaste at a shelter or a soup kitchen, 22 July’. You are able to share this deed idea with your friends via social media, however it only allows you to share the suggestion rather than share the users experience of doing the deed. How I would improve on this idea would be to allow users to share their experience with the app and good deed which they have undertaken with other users of the app and their friends and family. The use of sharing is not to brag about undertaking a good deed but to encourage others to do the same and to share how they felt about the experience of selflessly helping others. The idea is to encourage people to think about others, individuals can get wrapped up in their own life that they can forget about the less fortunate and how a little part of their time can result in something big for someone else.
Looking at volunteering statistics in the UK, 14.2 million formally volunteered at least once a month in 2014/15. Formal volunteering constitutes as volunteering undertaken through a group, club or organisation. Informal volunteering constitutes as unpaid help to other people for example friends r neighbours. This figure averages out that 26 per cent of people in England participated in formal volunteering at least once a month and 35 per cent of people in England participated in informal volunteering at least once a month. Although this percentage may seem a reasonable amount of people volunteering I think the app can boost these figures to 50% of both formal and informal volunteering as we can increase the awareness of volunteering opportunities, with ease of access and encourage users to participate more regularly.