After sketching out a few pages which will be featured in the functionality of the app I needed to create a Site map to understand how the flow of the app will run. The site map will help me define exact pages which will be featured on the app as well as how they are linked to each other. I have tested the flow of the app with a few subjects, this was conducted with drawings of wireframes to show where information will be placed and where buttons will be featured. The tests were insightful as subjects would voice their opinion on placements as well as explaining what they thought a button do compared to where it actually took them as well as showing hesitations when asked to show how they would complete a task. The tests highlighted to me the over complicated pages I had featured in the wireframes, this led me to simplify the pages to get the user where they wanted in a few clicks rather than having the go back after every wrong click.
This is essential when thinking about mobile information architecture as tasks undertaken on a mobile device is usually done at a more idle state with more likely interruptions and lack of focus, users want to get to the information they require fast therefore less pages is crucial to gain the attention of the user.